Greta Brubaker
Rob Compton
The calendar year of 2018 marks the 10 year anniversary of the Midwest Center for Photography. In 2008, I made the decision to expand my educational reach from the University to the gallery setting through the curatorial vision of founding and directing the Midwest Center for Photography in Wichita, Kansas.
The dual impetus for creating a gallery space comes from both my strong belief in supporting the art careers of photographers, and in creating a broader awareness and appreciation of photography in the community and the Midwest region by promoting a creative discourse and an educational understanding of contemporary photography. And in doing so, I have identified and fostered the careers of numerous emerging photographers who have produced fresh and deeply insightful photographic work.
During this 10 year period, the Midwest Center for Photography has generously provided exhibition opportunities in a brick and mortar commercial gallery venue for emerging and nationally recognized mid-career artists, as well as featured online sales. Various calls for entries and concept-based exhibitions have been presented ranging from exhibitions encompassing ideas such as photographic interpretations of memory as fragment, the visual imprint of domesticity, features of landscape, and the aesthetic role of photographic processes. Just to name a few of the multitude that have been artfully and logistically curated at the Midwest Center for Photography.
By uniting these 100 featured photographers and various photographic works that I have identified as outstanding and noteworthy throughout the 10 years of exhibitions at the Midwest Center for Photography, I wish to share this collective vision with the larger online audience in this Ten Years of Photographs Online Exhibition. A retrospective exhibition catalogue is produced and available in January, highlighting the distinct curatiorial voice that captures a new collective aesthetic that is uniquely my Midwestern take on America.
Morgan Ford Willingham
Giselle Noelle Morgan
Jennifer Maiotti
Brooklynn Kascel
Rion Huffman
Thomas Ladd
Jacob Moffett
John O'Neill
Brian Sesack
John Hilarides
Molly McCall
Nancy Goodrich
Stephanie Landry
John Deamond
David Welch
Rebecca Foley
Emma Horning
Dan Farnum
Eva Fazzari
Lewis Ablindinger,
Jimmie Allen,
Evan Anderman,
Amy Anderson,
Theodore William Arnold,
Michelle Bablitz,
Lisa Beard,
David Bernstein,
Kayla Bersztaitis,
Amanda Breitbach,
Greta Brubaker,
Christopher Capozziello,
Michael Cardinali,
Kristy Carpenter,
Patti Carroll,
Rob Compton,
Dave Conkling,
Ellie Cooper,
Sara Cross,
Adam Culver,
Jim Davis,
John Deamond,
Miska Draskoczy,
Diane Durant,
Gary Engle,
Dan Farnum,
Eva Fazzari,
Vanessa Filey,
Rebecca Foley,
Emily Franklin,
Nancy Goodrich,
Sam Grant,
Julie Hamel,
Grant Hamilton,
Jim Hammer,
Kathleen Hawkes,
Brett Henrikson,
John Hilarides,
Douglas Hill,
Charles Hively,
Emma Horning,
Benjamin Hoste,
Rion Huffman,
Chris Ireland,
Megan Jacobs,
Paul Jett,
Andy Johnston,
Ethan Jones,
Clay Jordan,
Luke Jordan,
Rachael Jump,
Brooklynn Kascel,
Allyson Klutenkamper,
Eric Kunsman,
Thomas Ladd,
Stephanie Landry,
William LeGoullon,
Molly McCall,
Jennifer Maiotti,
Kelly Malcolm,
Nate Matthews,
Maggie Meiners,
James Mitchell,
Thomas Mitchell,
Jacob Moffett,
Giselle Noelle Morgan,
Joseph Mougel,
Melonie Mulkey,
Maureen O'Leary,
John O'Neill,
Vesna Pavolvic,
Christina Peters,
Amanda Quevedo,
Eric Rennie,
Larry Robinson,
Brad Ruder,
Elina Ruka,
Jacinda Russell,
Lars Samuelsson,
Marisa Scheinfeld,
Brian Sesack,
David Skidmore,
Everett Smith,
Kristina Smith,
Sarah Smith,
Morgan Stephenson,
Peter Stitt,
Sherwin Tibayan,
Samantha VanDeman,
Chris Walker,
Edward Webb,
David Welch,
Ivan Wentland,
H. F. Wetzel,
Brian Widdis,
Rachael Wilbur,
Morgan Ford Willingham,
Johanna Wolfe,
Peter Yankowsky,
Michael Yurgeles.
Sarah Smith
Edward Webb
James Mitchell
Chris Ireland
David Skidmore
Michael Yurgeles
Peter Yankowsky
Maggie Meiners
Kristy Carpenter
Luke Jordan
Johanna Wolfe
Amanda Quevdo
Maureen O'Leary
Allyson Klutenkamper
Lewis Ablindinger
Jimmie Allen
Paul Jett
Amy Anderson
Marisa Scheinfeld
William LeGoullon
Emily Franklin
Nate Matthews
Rachel Jump
Diane Durant
Miska Draskoczy
Thomas Mitchell
Clay Jordan
Vanessa Filey
Joseph Mougel
Ethan Jones
Chris Walker
David Bernstein
Christina Peters
Everett Smith
Kristina Smith
Megan Jacobs
Dave Conkling
Charles Hively
Christopher Capozziello
Evan Anderman
Michelle Bablitz
Brett Henrikson
Sherwin Tibayan
Vesna Pavlovic
Adam Culver
Theodore William Arnold
Kathleen Hawkes
Gary Engle
Patti Carroll
Andy Johnston
Douglas Hill
Ellie Cooper
Julie Hamel
Elina Ruka
Jacinda Russell
Sara Cross
Lisa Beard
Kayla Bersztaitis
Amanda Breitbach
Benjamin Hoste
Peter Stitt
Eric Kunsman
Melonie Mulkey
Morgan Stephenson
H. F. Wetzel
Samantha VanDeman
Brian Widdis
Sam Grant
Grant Hamilton
Larry Robinson
Brad Ruder
Ivan Wentland
Rachael Wilbur
Michael Cardinali
Jim Davis
Lars Samuelsson
Eric Rennie
Jim Hammer
Kelly Malcollm